CLST 202: Greek Drama: Theater and Social Justice, Ancient and Modern. CLST221: Law, Politics, and Order in the Ancient World. CLST 363: Body Politics: Desire, Sexualities, and Gender, Past and Present. CLST/COL 340: Daemons, Enigmas, and the Cosmic Image: Classical and Modern Allegory. [team- taught with Joseph Fitzpatrick] CLST 324: Tales of Hope or States of Delusion? Utopias, Past and Present. CCIV 327: Dangerous Acts: Transgression and Collective Feeling in Greek Drama. From the rehearsal and production of Euripides' Bacchae, the final project of CCIV 327 in Fall 2014, in collaboration with actor Drew Cortese. Language Courses Beginning Greek: GRK 101 and 102 GRK 201: Greek Prose: Plato, Crito GRK 201: Greek Prose: Lysias and Theophrastus GRK205: Court Room Dramas, Selections from Athenian Oratory GRK252: Dionysiac Transformations: Gender, Violence, and Justice in Euripides' Hecuba GRK 275: Homeric Epic: The Odyssey GRK290: Truths and Other Fictions GRK 311: Plato, Symposium GRK 365: Greek Tragedy: Euripides, Bacchae GRK 250: Body, Soul, and Afterlife Journeys in Ancient Greece (CLAC) [team-taught with K. Birney] GRK 291: "Sexuality" in the Making: Gender, Law, and the Use of Pleasure in Ancient Greek Culture (CLAC)